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Short Trips


Cordoba still bears traces of its Iberian, Roman and Muslim past, is rich in traditions, it has an outstanding architectural heritage, and its gastronomy has undergone a considerable resurgence with the revival of a range of dishes from the traditional cooking of the region. The Great Mosque - Cathedral of Cordoba is its most important monument, and one of the world's most amazing sites. Its history sums up the complete evolution of the Omeyan style in Spain, along with the Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque styles present in he Christian part of the structure. 

Info:© 2018 Turismo y Planificación Costa del Sol S.L.U

  • Mosque - Cathedral of Córdoba

    The Great Mosque - Cathedral of Cordoba is its most important monument, and one of the world's most amazing sites. Its history sums up the complete evolution of the Omeyan style in Spain, along with the Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque styles present in he Christian part of the structure.

  • Roman Bridge

    You can walk over the Roman bridge in either direction. It is close to the great Mosque and leads to Torre de Calahorra at south end. The present structure is a medieval reconstruction, though the 19th-century cobbled paving does give a Roman feel. There is an irregular pattern to the 16 arches in size and abutment protections. There are good views of bridge and the river from south bank.

  • Castle of the Christian Monarchs

    The Alcázar (castle) of Cordoba, with its thick defensive walls, served both as a fortress and a palace, and is a perfect illustration of the development of Cordoban architecture through the ages. Roman and Visigoth ruins lie side by side with Arabic remains in this magnificent building, which was once the favourite residence of the different rulers of the city.

  • Plaza de la Corredera

    It was used in olden days as a bullring, and to this day there is a street named Toril (Bulls' enclosure). The square has seen everything, from autos de fe and public addresses to public executions during the French Invasion, and now contains a number of cafes and bars, as well as hosting a Medieval Market in the month of January. In the square there is a range of concerts in summer and the ideal temperatures make it an extremely popular venue on spring and summer nights.

  • Jewish Quarter

    In the Heart of the Jewish Quarter, not far from the Mosque-Cathedral, we find this charming little street, which everyone who visits Cordoba comes to see. The narrow alleyway leads up a gentle slope to open out onto a small square. Flowers fill the balconies, with their wrought-iron window grilles, filling the air with pleasant scent, to the delight of visitors. A fountain graces one side of the square, and there is a fine view of the bell-tower of the Cathedral.

  • Medina Azahara

    Enigmatic city palace which was built for Abd-al Rahman III at the foot of the Sierra Morena mountains five miles from the city, is shrouded in myths and legends. According to popular belief, Abd al-Rahman III, after proclaiming himself Caliph in 929 A.D., after eight years in power, decide to build the city-palace in honour of his favourite, Azahara.

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